Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Mapping Penny's World

Author: Loreen Leedy

Illustrator: Loreen Leedy

Genre: Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Leeds, Loreen. Mapping Penny's World. New York: Square Fish, 2012. Print.

Lisa's class is learning how to make maps. The teacher says they can make the maps of anyplace, so Lisa starts with her bedroom. She includes everything people will need to read on the map. Her dog, Penny, helps with the map. This makes Lisa thing. Why not map Penny's world? Lisa enjoys creating maps so much that her and Penny decide to visit some of the exotic places that they have drawn.

ELA Content Standards
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas- Grade 2
7.) Explain how specific images (e.g., a diagram showing how a machine works) contribute to and clarify a text.

How it Connects: In the story, the reader can see the characters draw maps and create their own destinations. The pictures of the maps help the reader get a better understanding of where the characters are going in the story.

Key Ideas and Details- Grade 1
2.) Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.

How it Connects: The students will be able to discuss what the main topic of the story is, and talk about the details in the story such as the students getting the homework assignments, and the steps it took them to complete it.

Tier 3 Vocabulary
exotic, create, project

Classroom Usage
Centers: Students can break up into different groups. Each group will be given a poster board. They will have to create their own map of anywhere in the world they would like to travel.

This story would be good for gifted children because it can help them open up and be creative. It gives them a chance to learn about different areas around the world, and create a map of where they would like to go. The story would also help students with comprehension.

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