Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Elizabeth Leads the Way

Author: Tanya Lee Stone

Illustrator: Rebecca Gibbon

Genre: Non-Fiction

Stone, Tanya Lee., and Rebecca Gibbon. Elizabeth Leads the Way: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the    
       Right to Vote. New York: Henry Holt, 2010. Print.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton stood up and fought for what she believed in. From the time she was young, she knew that women were not given rights equal to men. Instead of accepting her lesser status, Elizabeth went to college. She gathered other like-midid women to challenge the right to vote. This is an inspiring story of a woman who changed America forever because she wouldn't take "no" for an answer.

ELA Content Standards
Craft and Structure- Grade 2
6.) Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.

How it Connects: 
Students can discuss what the author was trying to express to the reader. This would be a good way to open up a discussion if the students were confused about something they read in the story, or if they have any questions.

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas- Grade 1
9.) Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of character in stories.
How it Connects: Students can discuss the adventures Elizabeth went on as she fought to stand up for what she believed in. The students could also discuss the character traits in the story, and how they other characters influence Elizabeth's adventure for equal rights.

Tier 3 Vocabulary
status, equal, courageous

Classroom Usage
Centers: Students can split up into four groups (more or less depending on the class size) and discuss the plot of the story, and ask questions if they were confused about anything. The groups could also use anchor charts to make a list of what they think equal rights are, and what they read about rights in the story.

This story would be very good for ELL because the plot is very informative and would be good for students to work on their comprehension.

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