Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Gas we Pass

Author: Shinta Cho

Illustrator: Shinta Cho

Genre: Non-Fiction

The Gas We Pass The Story of Farts. N.p.: Paw Prints, 2008. Print.

A humorous way to talk about natural body functions, explaining how and why gas is produced and eliminated.

ELA Content Standards
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas- Grade 2
9.) Compare or contrast two or more versions of the same story (e.g., Cinderella stories) by different authors or from different cultures.

How it Connects: Students can compare this book to Everyone Poops or The Holes in Your Nose, discussing what is similar between what they learn in the books and the differences between the different parts on our bodies.

Key Ideas and Details- Grade 1
1.) Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

How it Connects: After reading the story, students can ask questions about the human body, or facts the read that they are confused about.

Tier 3 Vocabulary
functions, natural, produce

Classroom Usage
Independent Reading: Students can read the book silently to themselves, and write down any questions they have or write down what they learned.

This story would be good for ELL/gifted students because it is discussing a topic that is natural for all living things. It will help students with comprehension, while learning what goes on with our bodies.

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